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Signs You Might Have a Root Canal Infection

A throbbing tooth is almost impossible to ignore, and this symptom is one of the hallmarks of a root canal infection. Each year in the United States, dental professionals like the team here at A Caring Dental Group perform 15 million root canal procedures to clear away these infections and stop the pain.

While pain may headline the signs of a root canal infection, there are others. Below, Dr. Benedict Kim reviews what occurs when you have an infection in your root canal, some of the warning flags for this common condition, and how we can bring you quick relief.

Behind the root canal infection

Tooth decay, gum disease, and root canal infections are all conditions caused by harmful bacteria that eat away at the hard and soft tissues inside your mouth.

Your root canals are inside each of your teeth, and they house a substance called pulp, which contains nerve and blood vessels that help your teeth develop. This pulp isn’t necessary as an adult because your teeth are fully formed.

If bacteria get inside your teeth and into your root canals, they can create an infection in the pulp that, left unchecked, will eventually destroy the tooth.

Common signs of a root canal infection

As we’ve already discussed, pain is the first thing you might notice when you have a root canal infection. This pain can start off intermittently — you only feel discomfort when you bite down on the affected tooth, for example. As the infection rages, this pain can become more constant. Outside of throbbing pain, you might also experience or develop:

These symptoms usually only worsen as the infection continues, so you should come to see us at the first signs of trouble.

Clearing your root canal infection and saving your tooth

Did you know that more people fear having a root canal procedure than spiders or getting stuck in an elevator?  We find statistics like this frustrating because our root canal procedures are not only quick and easy, but they also relieve your pain.

First, we make you comfortable and provide you with a local anesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable during your root canal procedure. Once you’re ready, we quickly clear out the infected pulp and then plug your root canal to protect against future infections.

In many cases, we also cap your tooth with a dental crown to provide added protection for your roots.

While some people feel sore for a day or two after the procedure, this discomfort doesn’t come close to the pain that comes with the active infection. Outside of pain relief, the root canal procedure also saves your tooth from irreparable damage. In reality, you have everything to gain from a root canal procedure.

So, if you suspect that you might have developed a root canal infection, we recommend that you see us so we can take a look. And sooner is better than later, as we want to stop that infection as quickly as possible.

To get started, please contact our office in Cleveland, Ohio, at 216-446-6977 or use our online form to request an appointment.

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