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I'm Nervous About My Upcoming Root Canal

Root canals are procedures used to treat a tooth’s infected pulp, the soft tissue at the center of your tooth. 

If your tooth is infected, you can experience pain, inflammation, and sensitivity. As badly as you want relief, these symptoms may hold you back from seeing a dentist. After all, prodding an aching tooth can only lead to more pain, right?

Back in the day, root canals were indeed painful and lengthy procedures. However, light sedatives and anesthetics make modern root canals painless. 

Our specialist at A Caring Dental Group, Dr. Benedict Kim, has been providing state-of-the-art dental work to his patients in Cleveland, Ohio, since 1995. We asked him to explain what happens during a root canal procedure and why patients have nothing to worry about.

What are root canals, and why shouldn’t I avoid getting one?

Many patients who require a root canal are already suffering from inflammation and pain. Dr. Kim uses root canals to eliminate the symptoms, prevent the spread of the infection, and avoid tooth loss.

The procedure begins with the administration of an anesthetic, which numbs the nerves, and a rubber dental dam, which prevents saliva from touching your tooth during the procedure. Dr. Kim then drills a small hole to gain access to the infected pulp located inside your tooth. 

He uses a suction tool to seize the infected pulp and bacteria inside your diseased tooth. After he cleans the core of your tooth, he fills it with a rubber-like material to strengthen and seal the top of your tooth.

How many appointments do I need for a root canal?

You may need two dental appointments for your root canal. During the first appointment, Dr. Kim cleans your tooth and places a temporary material inside it. 

On the second appointment, he changes the material to a permanent one, and if your tooth needs extra protection, he may recommend you have a crown placed over the tooth. 

Save your tooth with us in Cleveland, Ohio

There’s no reason to wait it out, when that might make it too late to save your tooth, or give the infection time to spread. Thanks to anesthetics, root canals are no longer painful, nor do they take as long as they did in the past. 

If you’re still nervous about the procedure, don’t worry. Dr. Kim understands that dental anxiety is common and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. 

If you suspect your tooth needs dental work, contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Kim will help you overcome your fears and save your tooth.

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